Seer Fish Curry Cut Combo Box
From: ₹685.00 / week for 12 weeks
The box contains curry cuts of medium-sized seer fish along with one of the cleaned common sea varieties such as Mackerel, Sardine, Anchovy, Sole Fish, Mullen, Veloori, etc. based on seasonal availability.
* Fixed price throughout the subscription period
* Extra small varieties (Anchovy, Veloori, etc.) will be cleaned and may not be cut.
* Current delivery is twice a week – Tuesday & Saturday. Minimum 2 days advance order needed.
* Delivery time: 8.30 AM to 11.30 AM.
* Click “Freshscribe” to subscribe fresh fish or “Buy Once” for a single buy.
Everyone like the king …!
Our medium-sized seer fish are sourced from Malabar coastlines using hook and lines by small-scale fishermen overnight and brought to you as fresh as it can using our traceable and secure technologies.