Silver Mullet (Kanambu) – Cleaned & Cut

From: ₹503.00 / week for 12 weeks
The box contains medium / large sized cleaned and cut Silver mullet (Kanambu) fish sourced from Varapuzha river and backwaters, Kochi.
* Fixed price throughout the subscription period.
* Current delivery is twice a week – Tuesday & Saturday. Minimum 2 days advance order needed.
* Delivery time: 8.30 AM to 11.30 AM.
* Click “Freshscribe” to subscribe fresh fish or “Buy Once” for single buy.
A very regular variety that spice up our meals in most of the river and backwater regions of Kerala. Available in almost all the season, Kanambu has a soft flakey texture suitable for both curries and fry. A very good source of essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin D6, potassium and phosphorus.